Thursday, April 22, 2010
Really Done
Check in now and then to see what I have discovered.
Done :)
One of my favourite projects this year was this blog. While I was not excited about it in the beginning, over time I realized that it helped to improve my writing skills. It also forced me to search around the internet for topics to write about. Had I not been assigned this project I wouldn’t have read a lot of the articles I did. I find that a lot of the time I will read something and forget what I learned shortly after; writing about it helps me remember things longer. This knowledge will help me in future networking situations as I will be more comfortable talking about things related to my field, making this blog more than worthwhile.
I hope everyone had a good end to their year, good luck to those still finishing up!
Thursday, April 15, 2010
One of the posts that I found especially interesting (and fairly funny) was 12 Common Photoshop Mistakes. My favourites include not using rainbow gradients, overusing and abusing filters and not learning program shortcuts. While most of the topics seem obvious, others (use monochrome when converting to grayscale) were informative. Check out the full list here.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Oh, reading
Thursday, April 8, 2010
1- Savour everyday moments
My favourite part of the day is usually the walk to and from school. It gives me a chance to let my mind wander and think about what happened in the day. I let things slow down for just a bit to prepare me for the rest of my day.
2- Avoid Comparisons
I find it really hard not to compare my work to others in class, but when I am able to it makes me less stressed about my work.
3- Put Money low on the List
Luckily I made enough money with my summer job and current part time job that money isn’t something I need to worry about, conversely I know some of my friends have to be very careful with their money, adding another stressor to college life.
4- Have Meaningful Goals
Currently my biggest goal is doing well in school, and making it through eval. However one of my other goals is spending more time with friends and family. While these two goals kind of work against each other, finding balance to accomplish both has made this year much more successful than last.
5- Take Initiative at Work
My role at the Student Life information desk became much more fulfilling when my boss encountered me with a project. While window painting can be somewhat tiring, I enjoyed watching my project evolve and am very proud of the final product. By showing initiative I found satisfaction at work.
6- Make Friends, Treasure Family
As I’ve gotten older, I have realized just how important my family is. Even if they drive me nuts, they are the ones who will always be on my side. The same goes for my good friends, time has shown who will be there for me when I need them most.
7- Smile Even When you Don’t Feel Like It
Even if you aren’t having the best day, trying to put a positive spin on it can’t hurt. People are always complaining; if they instead tried to solve the issue, they would generally be happier.
8- Say Thank you Like you Mean It
While I don’t keep a gratitude journal, nor write thank-you letters, I do think about the nice things people have done for me. They are the people I remember most fondly and am most likely to go out of my way to be nice to.
9- Get out and Exercise
When I get really stressed, the best solution I have found is getting out of my house or classroom and doing something active. Whether it be a walk around the block or an hour at the gym it helps to clear my mind and give me fresh perspective on what I’m doing.
10- Give it Away, Give it Away Now
Helping someone or giving something away gives you a “helping high.” It is said that it is better for your health than exercising or quitting smoking.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Kindness Class
I find it funny that as the deadline for designism approaches, I find an excellent resource for social change in the kindness sector. On you can find organizations, jobs and volunteer opportunities to help make positive change. I found that idealist’s blog was the most interesting part of the site.
The first post I read talked about kindness class, a class that focuses on exploring the satisfaction that comes from being intentionally kind. In 2009 a structured Kindness Class was offered and 14 assignments were given out to “students”. ( 1- Do something kind for yourself. 2- Do something kind for someone you love. 3- Do something kind for someone you do not know. 4- Provide something wonderful for someone to find. 5- What you wish to experience, do for another. 6-Do something kind for your body. 7- Let everyone go ahead of you for a week. 8- Do something kind in your neighbourhood. 9- Do something kind anonymously. 10- Do something useful. 11-Do something kind for someone with whom you’ve lost touch. 12- Take time to better understand the world and then translate that understanding into positive action. 13- Do something small. 14- Do something kind for yourself.)The students completed the assignments then thought critically about how it changed their outlook on the world. A newer version of the class began two weeks ago, each week there is a post made on the Kindness Theme of the Week blog. Week one’s theme was “What do you wish to experience, provide for another” and this week’s was “Prioritize happiness.” The hope is that by the end of the week, readers will post what they accomplished, encouraging others to do the same.
If everyone keeps this goal of kindness in mind, I think things could start to change. Hostility and rudeness are generally unnecessary; there are better ways to deal with differences that are much more respectful.