Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Worst Logo Competition

Desginers all have their own taste and on a regular basis think things are ugly, even awful. Often times designers don't keep those comments to themselves and find it fun to compete as to who can create or find the worst logo, sign or product out there. At the end of last year Armin Vit of Brand New tempted designers with a "Make the Logo Suckier" competition. After reading through a number of comments I found an even greater resource, How Low Can Your Logo?, a hilarious website dedicated to logo design. Check out both sites for a laugh, don't worry if you can relate, I know I look back and wonder what I was thinking in first year.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Good Stuff Design

Today I was looking for a website I had heard about, I thought it was something like Good Stuff and I knew it was for design so I typed that into Google. While I didnt find what I was looking for I did find a few interesting sites.
A neat single member design shop that offers screen printed poster art, print design, web design and development.
For Print Only is a section of Under Consideration that focuses on lovely printed pieces, I can't get enough of Kambala's beautiful invitation.
I found it ironic that there are two design shops with the same name, personally I prefer the unique qualities of the previous shop but these designers do some nice corporate work.

Overall I think I will try random Google seaches more often, I ended up with some nice morning entertainment.