Again, after much time, I have realized that a lot of people don't actually know what designers do. I get asked if I design websites, or do illustrations but rarely do people understand the broad spectrum of things designers are capable of. The second question I am usually asked (after I explain my career path, and my interest in publication design), is whether I am worried that the internet will lead books to extinction.
Of course I worry about these sorts of things, I just try to ignore them and look at the great opportunities out there. I've had many conversations with other designers about this and one of the most interesting things that have come from these discussions is that maybe this will create a sort of battle of the fittest. Mediocre magazines will cease to exist and the boundaries of typical magazines will be pushed to further the art form. It's scary of course, I often think, "What if I'm not good enough!" Regardless of all of this, part of being a designer is staying informed, learning new things and keeping up with what is happening next.
To help me with this topic specifically, I decided to sign up for RGD's panel discussion called Book: Burning Questions – The Future of The Book and Book Industry in Canada. I'm really excited to be part of a crowd that is as nerdy about design as I am. I anticipate being overwhelmed with information and inspired by what I hear, can't wait until the 11th!