Thursday, April 19, 2012

Sappi - The Standard 5

Last Thursday around lunch time I realized that the Sappi event I wanted to go to was in fact that day, not the next week as I had anticipated. I made the decision to go anyway and was very happy that I did.

I arrived at the event and was greeted at reception with a name tag and coat check. I was hesitant to put on the name tag but it seemed that everyone was wearing theirs and for once wearing one would be the cool thing to do. I dropped off my coat, then got in line for what I assumed was the printing guide they promised in the invite. I waited alone in line for a couple of minutes then was asked what I was waiting for, after assuring my new friend it was the books we patiently waited together.

The timing must have been perfect, Dana, the women I met in line was at the event alone as well and played perfectly into my wallflower tendencies. At 7:00 we were ushered into a theatre for the unveiling of the new Standard - Volume 5, a book on special printing effects. Sappi's Daniel Dejan presented the book, and I was sold. His quick but enthusiastic explanations of the printing techniques kept you excited for the next page, and built up to the moment when everyone received their own copies.

Overall I had a great time at the event. It was well put together, included a nice time for mingling as well as the presentation and sent me home with dreams of grand budgets and exciting printing techniques. I had received a similar item from another paper company before but Sappi's version is far superior. The only thing I need now is their previous four books, and those are in the mail. Thanks or a great networking even Sappi!

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