Sunday, September 9, 2012

Hittin' the Books

I was talking to a friend last night about reading and after a few minutes we realized we had experienced the same thing mere days apart. After not reading a book for a long time, we picked one up and wondered why we had waited so long. Reading a newspaper or magazine is nice, but getting sucked into a great book is infinitely better. I've mentioned this before, but I've been trying to read all the magazines I set aside while I was in school. Every once in a while I let myself read a book instead and all of a sudden I'm making time to read and end up staying up late to fit in a few more pages.

Another thing my friend and I realized is that reading a traditional book rather than an e-book is much more tactile and satisfying. Currently I'm reading Freedom by Jonathan Franzen, and I love that I can see my progress by how far into the book my bookmark is. My parents asked if I wanted an e-book for Christmas last year, and I declined for a couple of reasons, in addition to the greater enjoyment reading a traditional book provides, I also love to see all of my books on my shelf (probably my favourite thing in my apartment).

Overall, I love having time to read again. After making a Google spreadsheet of all the books I've written down that I want to read, I've realized that reading will continue to delight me for the foreseeable future.

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