Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Creative Earners

The RGD conducts bi-annual surveys on the salaries and billing practices of the communication design industry, today the 2012/2013 survey was published. Prior to publishing their complete findings Design Edge magazine published a quick overview of the salary averages for 8 of the most popular positions in the industry. I found the information published in Design Edge frustrating, how many years does a junior designer have versus an intermediate or senior designer. I am curious (more accurately nosy) person and wanted to see where I sat compared to other designers in the GTA. Thankfully the survey published today (available here) included significantly more information and had great break downs on the number of freelancers, solo proprietors and full time employees currently in the industry. I also enjoyed the information they collected about overtime and benefits creatives are provided. Things have changed significantly in this regard for many other industries, but from what I understand creatives have been on the hook for overtime and their retirment savings for a long time. This was reinforced with the survey concluding that 71% of creatives are not compensated for overtime and generally speaking less than 30% have emlpoyers who contribute to their retirement.

 If you are looking for a designer or are a designer yourself this is a great resource. It will help you ensure you are being fairly compensated and give you a better understanding of the different roles creatives play in the industry.

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