Thursday, April 25, 2013

Keep on Truckin'

If feels like I'm flying through the list of projects I wanted to talk about, luckily my new position at Toronto Life is providing me with lots to share. Today I submitted a couple of great advertorials for the June issue, by the time it comes out I will hopefully have made it through the rest of my past projects and be able to feature something more current.

In the meantime, I will show off a high impact collateral I did for Weddingbells. This piece was unusual as most sales oriented collaterals are sent through email as pdfs or are single page print outs that we print in house. This collateral was a small eight page booklet that our sales representatives used to pitch to some of their most important clients. I was so excited when they decided to have a small number professionally printed to include in sales packages. Below are some shots of the booklet.

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